Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I've changed the name from "Massage Blog" to something a little more evocative of the way my writing seems to be developing.  Originally, my intention was to keep things strictly business, but the nature of massage therapy and my tendency to think laterally make it hard to keep my thoughts rigidly businesslike.

"Life, Massage and Everything..." as a title also gives meaning to the blog titles.  Douglas Adams (author of "Life, the Universe and Everything") was the writer for the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio series on the BBC.  The episodes were names "Fit the First", "Fit the Second", etc.  Hopefully that helps to clarify my odd titling choice!

Sadly,  I'm not the most prolific blogger on the planet, but hopefully quality counts for more that quality and those of you reading this will continue to enjoy my posts as I manage to gather my thoughts into some semblance of coherency.

My thanks to Carrie Anne for putting up with my verbal ramblings on the days when my thoughts are more scattered.  Being able to talk out loud helps me bring sense to the chaos and organize things into a format that can be written down and followed by (hopefully!) anyone.

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